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Bece best brain science mock examination questions & Answerss

‏Bece best brain science mock examination questions and answers


Best brain science mock examination questions and answers

Best brain science mock examination questions and answers

1. a. Study the diagrams below and answer the questions that follow

Bece best brain science mock examination

I. Identify the organisms labeled A, B and C respectively.

Ii. What is the habitat of organism B.

III.  State two characteristics of the named habitat

Iv.. State two features of organism B.

V. Describe how organism C feeds.

Vi. State two features common to both organisms B and C

Vii.  State two adaptative features of organism C

Solution to question number one a. bece best brain mock examination questions and answers

I. A- gill.

B. -fish.

C- frog/toad.

Ii. Aquatic habitat

III. Characteristics of aquatic habitat

-stable environment

– food abundance

– provision of support for organisms

Iv. Features of organism B.

– has gills for gaseous exchange

– eyes for sight

– fins for movement

-streamlined body for movement

V. It has long sticky tongue Which it shoot out for catching preys.

Vi. Common features of A and B

– both have eyes

– both have mouth.

– both have streamlined shapes

Vii. Adaptation of C,

– has web limbs for swimming

-has well developed hind limbs for hooping

– has streamlined body for movement in water

Bece best brain Science mock

b. The diagram below represents a method used to  separate river water containing impurities. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow

I. Identify the method above

Ii.Name the parts labeled I-IV.

III. What is the aim of the experiment?

IV. State three properties of the filtrate

Solution to question number one b. Best brain science mock examination

I. Filtration

II. i_River water

ii. _Filter paper

iii. _Funnel

iv. _Beaker

III. To demonstrate that river water contains impurities

IV. – it boils at 100•C

_freezes at 0•C

– has no fixed shape

– has fixed volume

– has abnormal expansion

– has high surface tension

Best brain Science mock examination questions and answers

c. The figure below is an illustration of an organ in humans. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow

I. Identify the organ above

Ii. Name each of the parts labeled I to XII

III. Name the main chambers of the organ

IV. State one structural difference between IX and XI

V. State one function of the organ

VI. Mention two diseases associated with the organ

VII. Give two ways of keeping the organ healthy.

Solution to question number one c.  Bece Best brain science mock examination questions and answers

I. Human heart

II.  i.-pulmonary artery

ii-superior vena cava

iii-right auricle (atrium)

iv-semi lunar valve

v-tricuspid valve

vi-right ventricle


viii- pulmonary vein

ix- left auricle (atrium)


xi-left ventricle

xii.wall of ventricle

III. -left auricle

– left ventricle

– right auricle

– right ventricle

IV.the walls of xi are thicker than the walls of ix

V. It pumps and distributes blood to all parts of the body

VI.. – leucomia

– hypertension

– heart attack

VII.- regular exercise

– intake of fruits and vegetables

– drinking water regularly

– have enough rest

d. In an experiment to to investigate the process of photosynthesis in an acquatic plant, the setup below was used. The setup was placed in sunlight for two hours. Study the diagram carefully and answer the questions that follow

b. I. Name the parts labeled I to V

II a. Name the substance that occupied the part labeled I

x. Describe briefly how the named could be tested

III. Why is pond water preferred to tap water in this experiment?

IV. Why was the setup exposed to sunlight?

V. Suggest an aim for the experiment

  1. Solution to question number one d. Bece best brain science mock examination questions and answers

I. I- oxygen

Ii- test tube

Iii- air bubbles

IV-beaker/water trough

V- funnel

II. I) oxygen

Ii) in testing for oxygen, a glowing splint is dipped into the test tube. The glowing splint reignited or relight or catches flame.

III. Tape water contains chemicals like chlorine which might be dangerous to the plant

IV. Sunlight is necessary for photosynthesis

To show that oxygen is produced during photosynthesis.

2a.i.What is distillation?

Ii. State two practical application of distillation

b.I. State four organisms that cause diseases in crop
Ii. Explain three methods of integrated pests management?

c. I. What is heredity?
Ii. State four heritable characters
d. Identify the components of the circuit.

Solution to question number two. Bece best brain science mock examination questions and answers

a.i. Distillation is a operation method used to separate the mixture of two or more liquids with different boiling points
Ii. Practical application of the
_purification of alcohol
_.crude oil refinery
_ making liquidified gas
b. I. _fungi
_ bacteria
_ nematodes
_ protozoans
_ parasitic plants
Ii.1. Biological measures- encouragement and protection of beneficial organisms, releasing beneficial organisms when needed
2. Physical measures-hand pulling of weeds, hand picking of insects, pruning, trapping, temperature modification and screening.
3.chemical method- spraying with insecticide and pesticides
4. Cultural method- rotation, intercropping, the use of resistance varieties, controlling weeds, correct planting distance, correct planting time.

c.i. Heredity it is the passing of traits or characters from parents to their offsprings
Ii. Skin colour, colour of hair, skin. Ability to roll the tonque, blood group, height, shape of nose, intelligent
d.i. cell
III. Ammeter
IV. Variable resistor
V. Resistor
Vi. Voltmeter

3. a. State Three difference between diffusion and osmosis
b. I . Write a balanced chemical equation for sodium chloride compound
Ii. Write word equation for the reaction.
c. State four harmful effect of worms on farm animals.

d.  A body exert a pressure of 5N/m2 on a surface with diamentions 2m  by 2m.

I. Fine the force acting on the surface

Ii . Explain why atoms are electrically neutral

Solution to question number three. Bece best brain science mock examination questions and answers

a. – osmosis occurs only in liquids but diffusion occurs in all the States of matter

-in osmosis, there is a semi-permeable membrane but in diffusion, there is no semi-permeable

-in osmosis, the movement is from lower to higher but in diffusion the movement is from higher to lower

b. I. Na+Cl_NaCl

Ii. Sodium+chloride_ Sodium chloride

c.effects of worms

_ leads to anaemia

_causes animal to grow lean.

_reduction in reproduction

_ reduction in quality of milk and meat

_ can lead to death

_ leads to diarrhea

d. Pressure= 5N/m2.

Area= 2m x 2m= 4m2

force= pressure x area.

= 5N/m2 x 4m2= 20N

Ii. Atoms are electrically neutral because the number of protons and neutrons of  neutral atoms are equal. The protons are positively charged while the electrons are negatively charged hence their charges conceal out.

Bece best brain Science mock

4. a. I. State one disease of cocoa

=Ii. State two methods of diseases control in cocoa production

b. State the function of the following human reproductive system

I. Sperm duct

Ii. Testis.

III. Scrotum

c.i.  State four effects associated with the use of hard water

Ii. State two ways of softening hard water

d. I. Define efficiency of a machine

Ii. Explain the statement the efficiency of a machine is 80%

Solution to question number four

a.i.- black potd disease

-swollen shoot disease.

Ii. Method of diseases control in cocoa production

I. Chemical control

Ii. Biological control

III. Cultural control

b. I. Sperm duct-transportation of sperms to the penis.

Ii. Testis- produces sperms

III. Scrotum- it holds and helps to protect the testis

c. I. Effects of hard water

– block showers.

– discoloration of articles

– waste soap.

– much time and energy are used when washing with hard water.

Ii. Ways of softening hard water

– boiling

– distillation

– de- ionization

– addition of chemicals eg. Washing or caustic soda lime water ( calcium hydroxide)

d. I. Efficiency of a machine refers to as the ratio of work out put of the machine to the work input expressed as percentage

Ii. It means that when the energy is put into the operation of the machine, 80% of it is effectively utilized.

5.a.i.  what is corrosion?

Ii. State three conditions necessary for corrosion

b. I. State four sources of water used for agricultural purpose

Ii. Give two uses of water in agriculture

c. Explain the following processes involved in the carbon cycle.

I. Photosynthesis

Ii. Combustion

III. Respiration

IV. Decomposition

d. State the difference between NPN and PNP transistors.

Solution to question number 5. Bece Best brain science mock examination questions and answers

ai. Corrosion is the gradual destruction of a metal by chemical action

Ii. Conditions for corrosion

– moisture

– oxygen

– salt solution

-acid rain.

– electrolytes in old battery cells

b.i. sources of water

– river.

– stream


– lake

– well.

– rain water

Ii. Uses of water

– for irrigation

-; for fish farming

For consumption by animals

– mixing chemicals

To wash farming tools

c. I. Photosynthesis- the process where by green plants manufacturer their own food using sunlight, water, carbon dioxide and chlorophyll

Ii. Combustion- it is the burning of an organic compound using oxygen

III. Respiration-it is the process where by food is broken down to release energy with or without the use of oxygen.

IV. Decomposition- it is the break down organic matter by decomposers

d. NPN transistor is formed by introducing a thin piece of p-type semi conductor between two n- type semi- conductors but in PNP transistor, n- type semi-conductor is placed between two p-type semi conductors.

Best brain science mock examination questions and answers
















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