Directory of 282 scholarships in France with/without IELT
The directory of all scholarships in France with/without IELTS provides a one-stop-shop for candidates in search of scholarships in France.
Masters, PhD and Postdoctoral scholarships in France is mostly fully funded and now open in almost all universities of France.
Eligible programs
Round about in almost every academic field. Almost all scholarships and training fields are fully funded here.
Deadlines for the scholarships in France
The deadline for every scholarship is different. Applicants can also use any expired scholarship to prepare towards the next window.
The scholarship directory
Interested candidates must visit this official website for locating scholarships in France.
Scholarship in Belgium without IELTS to study Bachelors, Masters and PhD
Applications are welcome from qualified and interested applicants who wish to study the various degree programs in Belgium without IELTS.
List of Universities in Belgium without IELTS
1. University of Antwerp
2. ULiège
3. Vrije Universiteit Brussel
4. Ghent University
5. Hasselt University
List of scholarships in Belgium
1. Master Minds Scholarship
2. Belgium Government Scholarship
3. ARES Scholarships Program
4. VLIR-UOS Scholarship Program
The deadlines are different for each University and Program.
Candidates can use expired scholarships to guide their application during the next window.
How to apply
Kindly visit the individual official websites via the hypertext links attached to them to read more and Apply now.
Studying in France
France is one of the first destinations for many foreign students. This is mostly of it’s diverse population. The diverse community, therefore, makes networking easier and heterogenous.
Foreign students in France have the opportunity to study in either French or English. Fortunately, many universities in France do not require IELTS or other major language tests. International students could, therefore, take advantage of the opportunity to study with or without scholarships easily.
As a developed country, the academic environment in France is very conducive to integrate industry best practices into the academic knowledge