Government worker’s Salary to be tagged against performance over the 30% increment in Salaries: Fair Wages and Salary Commission.
According to the Chief Executive Officer of Fair Wages and Salaries Commission’ Mr. Benjamin Arthur, Government workers are going to be surcharged to work harder or they bear the consequences .
Mr. Benjamin Arthur was interviewed on joy news today, 25th January 2023. He said, the 30% increment in government workers salary was a big blow received by Salary Commission.
As things kept on unfolding, there was a need for a collaborative agreement to be established hence they have to accept it as it is today against their interest.
However, he emphatically and aggressively stretched on the fact that ” To Whom Much is Given Much is Expected” The kind of energy, negotiation power and enthusiasm used by Organized Labour Unions to win the battle over salary increment, should be the same power to be vested in their entire workers to deliver their services to the nation.
He added that, Fair Wages will make sure government get value for the monies he will be paying.
He husten and added that, Government workers should know that, government has given them what they asked for and so they must deliver dilligently.
To him, they are going to use some Sophisticated modalities to measure both the vertical and horizontal performance of every single worker against his or her salary.
This will help them trace the non performing entities and show them the exit.
This is to ensure that those who will deliver less against their salaries will be taken on and if possible scrub them off from the system. They are not going to listen to flimsy excuses when it comes to non performance.
Workers should tighten their belt to deliver professionally other than that they will dance to the music when victimized, he added.
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