NTC Numeracy past questions and Answers Video PDF and issues arising about the licensure exams.
NTC Numeracy past questions and Answers Video PDF
National Teaching Council is an agency mandated by Ghana Education Service to Register both Public and private teachers under Ghana Education Service. It offers license to professional teachers both from the University and College of Education.
It has the legal right authority to organize programmes for teachers in the service to enhance professional development.
As a way of giving license to professional teachers, the National Teaching Council together with Ghana Education Service introduced compulsory registration of teachers through a written examination. They introduced this exams in 2018.
The licensure exams is made up of three areas namely, literacy, numeracy and essential stills.
Literacy concept or component of the licensure exams has to do with English language thus, synonyms and antonyms, Iexis and structure, nearest in meaning and grammatic expressions. The theory aspect usually consist of narrative essay, argumentative essay, speech, article writing etc.
Essential skills is made up of 60 objective questions. It covers areas like classroom management, methodology, logical reasoning as well as leadership and administration.
Numeracy is the mathematical aspect of the exam. It covers areas like fractions, word problems, ration and propositions, probability, statistics, logical reasoning, business mathematics etc.
How ever, looking at the trend of the examination, it is an established fact that the examination is conducted twice in every year. The information reaching us is that due to the introduction of the new curriculum popularly known as common core curriculum, this years exams marks the end of the olden system. Simply put the questions are going to conform to the new curriculum from next year onwards.
The subjects still remains the same. The only aspect that will be affected are the contents. For example, numeracy will beĀ conducted to reflect the subject areas in the common core curriculum taught in schools as far as the new reforms is concerned.
Sample of numeracy questions and answers for your consumption.