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Teaching in Australia vacancies with visa sponsorship for foreign trained teachers | Apply now

Teaching in AustraliaTeaching in Australia

Teaching in Australia vacancies with visa sponsorship for foreign trained teachers | Apply now

Are you thinking of teaching in Australia, or are you already here? The Australian Institute for Teaching and School

Leadership (AITSL) can assist you start your teaching journey in this beautiful country.

Skilled teachers are in high demand all over Australia, from bustling cities to charming regional towns and stunning remote locations. Exciting opportunities await you!


This guide covers how to find and apply for teaching jobs in Australia. It briefly explains:

  • what you need to do before starting
  • how to get started
  • how to apply for teaching roles
  • how induction and probation periods work
  • how to maintain employment and advance your career.

Securing work as a teacher in Australia requires planning. This applies to casual relief roles and ongoing positions.

This guide is for prospective migrant teachers seeking employment in the Australian education workforce.

Please note that the information in this guide is not exhaustive, but it does include:

  • advice about what your application should cover
  • suggestions about how to write a resume and cover letter
  • advice about how to respond to selection criteria and prepare for an interview
  • links to external resources from across different states, territories, systems and sectors.

The employment process can differ depending on the school system or sector you apply to. This guide ensures you have the information you need to get started.


Teaching in Australia
Teaching in Australia


How to apply

Interested applicants should visit the official website to read more and apply

Teaching in Australia

Teaching in Australia can be one of the best experiences for any teacher. Teachers from developed countries have the opportunity to teach in similar environments as in their own countries. Teachers from developing countries also have the opportunity to teach in a world class environment.

Teaching and learning materials are available for effective learning. Moreover, teachers are paid market value for their service.

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