Unemployed Certified Physician Assistants Picketing at Health Ministry Have Been Arrested.
Unemployed Certified Physician Assistants Picketing at Health Ministry Have Been Arrested. At this challenging times of economic hardship, Certified Physician Assistants who successfully completed their professional Training Back somewhere 2018 have since not been posted.
The unemployment issue kept devastating every now and then with the highest exacerbating power in the country most especially in the health sector. These Physicians have stayed in the house for almost five years without posting. According to them, even though they are not employed they are forced to register their license every year. This issue sounds very bad. They gathered heavy heart with sorrow to picket at ministry of finance with the hope that their plea will be heard.
Unfortunately for them, their leadership were rather arrested for picketing at the finance ministry without following the right procedure. One female police made an annoying and sarcastic statement that, their leaders have been arrested and that they should rather go and console them. The physicians promised not to move an inch untill all of them are arrested.
This is a very sory story. The bitter secret is that, based on the contract existing between Internation Monetary Fund and Ghana, as it stands now employment is not possible within the next three years. Only replacement is allowed. How can all these health workers wait for replacement?
Check the video.
Give your comment on this and also share this until it gets to the authorities to respond to this physicians. very bad!