First Aid in Asthma Attack
First Aid in Asthma Attack : Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that makes it difficult to breathe. The glaring life process between life and death is breathing. Therefore, learning about it and using it as a guide can save your own life or the life of another person.
There are different types of Asthma, some of which can present a mild form. Acquire the knowledge to help observe yourself or relations, take action and prevent any avoidable episode.
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Asthma can be classified as intermittent, mild persistent, moderate persistent and severe persistent.
Asthmatic attack occurs when the muscle or tubes in which air passes through into the lungs becomes narrowed due to involuntary contraction of the muscles, which makes breathing difficult. Sometimes there is a recognized trigger for an attack such as an allergy, a cold, a particular drug, spray and/or cigarette smoke. At other times or for some people, there is no obvious trigger for asthma./ First Aid in Asthma Attack
People with asthma must be conscious of what triggers the attack so that they can avoid frequent attacks, which can be sudden attacks without warning.
The main cause of asthma is not known but it is mostly a genetic condition, meaning it can be inherited from parents or from generations before through parents. People with asthma usually deal with their own attacks by using a reliever inhaler at the first sign of an attack. Most reliever inhalers have blue cups, whilst preventer inhalers have brown or white cups and are used to prevent attacks. Preventer inhalers must not be used during attacks since they are only used to prevent an attack. Only a reliever inhaler must be used during the attack./ First Aid in Asthma Attack
Some signs and symptoms of asthmatic attack are:
1. Difficulty breathing
2. Wheezing
3. Cough
4. Difficulty speaking leading to short sentences and whispering./ First Aid in Asthma Attack
5. Distress and anxiety
How to help a casualty who has an attack / First Aid
1. Keep calm and reassure the casualty. Try not to panic since this will only alarm the casualty and its likely to make the attack worse./ First Aid in Asthma Attack
2. Get the casualty and assist him or her to take her usual dose of reliever inhaler.
3 . Sit the casualty down in a position he or she finds comfortable, but the casualty should not lye down especially on the back, since the tongue can fall to block the airway./ First Aid in Asthma Attack
4. A mild attack should ease within a few minutes but if it does not, the casualty may take one or two puffs from the inhaler every two minutes until he or she has ten puffs.
If the attack is too severe and one of the following occurs:
1. The inhaler has no effect .
2 . The casualty is getting worse; breathlessness, difficulty talking and becoming exhausted etc./ First Aid in Asthma Attack
Kindly call for help and send the casualty to the nearest health care center. Do not wait a little longer.