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Nurses and Teacher Trainers must stop Fooling themselves Over not Getting posting or employment- Captain Smart

Nurses and Teacher Trainers must stop Fooling themselves Over not Getting posting or employment- Captain Smart

Nurses and Teacher Trainers must stop Fooling themselves Over not Getting posting or employment- Captain Smart






Nurses and Teacher Trainers must stop Fooling themselves Over not Getting posting or employment- Captain Smart

The controversial journalist, Captain Smart gives order that, the suffering of nurses and teachers from their prospective colleges is indirectly endorsed by themselves. According to him, the allowances enjoyed by these students is a contributing factor towards the failure of government posting them.




He emphasized that, the money given to these students as allowances if carefully planed and invested in a venture, at the end of their study period, thus, three or four years, government could have had enough money to post and pay all graduated teachers and nurses.



Gone were the days The allowance system was introduced to motivate students into the various training institutions because people perceived them as valueless and waste of time. Now that the is drastic increase in the number of nurses and teachers, why should the allowance system be institutionalized.



The rhetoric question is that, will one choose enjoying allowances in school and never enjoy the  nectar of postings after completion or prefers postings after cancellation of allowance? The allowances are not even paid regularly but documentally  its perceived that every thing is working well.


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