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Delegates know when a candidate is in desperate. Ofosu Ampofo lost his aura as the chairman when his tape leaked and even went into his coils afterwards.

Delegates know when a candidate is in desperate.. picture of desperate candidate

Delegates know when a candidate is in desperate.
Ofosu Ampofo lost his aura as the chairman when his tape leaked and even went into his coils afterwards.


Nevertheless,the is denying of the fact that, Delegates know when a candidate is in desperate. As Ofosi Ampofo lost his position as chairman, it was purported that he lost the battle as a results of his leaked tape which defamed and also tarnished his image badly.


Since the tape leaked, he has been to court 70 times in total and the case is still pending.

This should have been a straightforward victory for General Mosquito, he should have forcused on the handicap of the Chairman, his own superior team record and clean record in terms of conduct, unfortunately, his campaign has been a desperate one, one built with little care of the corporate image of the party so long as it made Ofosu Amponfo look bad.


Delegates know when a candidate is in desperate.

And also, he has brought drama to an extent some would think unnec, the decision to go for the Chairmanship role was ill-advised. It creates an all in all entitlement, it’s a put off for some people. Two what extent is this going to affect him? We live to see.


Ofosu Ampofu has the perfect posture for the Chairmanship role, while General Mosquito is too combative for that role. He is clearly an operational guy.


However, Ofosu Ampofo lost that position with that leak but the bad campaign strategy has brought him firmly into contention.



When it’s 50/50, I lean towards the incumbent, they always have something that gives them the competitive edge. But this is General Mosquito being talked about.

Delegates know when a candidate is in desperate.

Source. Ghana web

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