Non-Science Students Can Now Offer Engineering At UMAT
Drastic Change in our educational sector is going to kick off. Non-Science Students Can Now Offer Engineering At UMAT. The University of Mines and Technology is changing the narrative in Ghana by giving an opportunity to non-science students to offer engineering.
The days when certain programs are reserved for only science students are becoming a thing of the past. Previously, programs like Engineering were reserved for only students who offer general science electives at the Senior High Schools level. The science electives are Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Elective Mathematics.
In a one-on-one interview with the Minister of Education, Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, the minister, disclosed his outfit managed to convince the university of Mines and Technology (UMaT) to give a chance to students who wish to pursue Engineering but do not have a general science background to offer a pre-engineering program to justify their inclusion for an Engineering course at the University.
The University of Mines and Technology was a campus for the Kwame Nkrumah of Science and Technology (KNUST). UMaT has probably become the pace setter for its former mentor university, KNUST. Non-Science students who wish to become engineers can use UMaT as the gateway to their dreams.
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The minister also indicated a conversation is equally ongoing for other universities to remove certain background hindrances to students who wish to pursue courses they do not have a background in at the high school level.