When Will 2023/2024 Nursing Training Forms be out/Released.
When will 2023/2024 Nursing Training Forms be out/Released.
Do you know that you can use your phone to check whether or not nursing training forms are on sale? How do you use phone to check whether the forms are released?
Nursing training forms releasing date is the absolute concern of majority of parents and guardians and students as well. Due to this prominent fact scammers usually use fraudulent means to lure innoscent people into their traps. It is therefore important that you become extremely vigilant when purchasing a nursing application form.
However, there are two major authentic ways of pinpointing the authenticity of nursing forms availability. These mechanisms or methods were tested and approval given by The Ghana Nursing and Midwifery council.
Before listing the authorized sources of our reliable information, it is an easy recurring phenomenon that almost every year the nursing and midwifery application forms are released between the months of April and May. This is the exact time frame you should expect your forms. But then, some rumours have it that, this year there would not be sales of nursing forms. Any way this information has no legal backing or has not been scientifically proven. The only person who can say this is the Ministry of Health or The Government of Ghana. So lets debunk that idea.
The very first and reliable way of identifying the commencement of the sales of application forms is through the use of your mobile phone. You can dial
*887*18# and the second dialogue will open. Enter “MOH” in capital letters. You will be notified if the forms are available or not.
The next step is follow Ministry of Health Official Face book page. The message is usually kept on their facebook page. Ultimately you can get the info from news broadcasters on radio or TV.
Watch! This is when the forms will come.