31 US Universities which offer free fully-funded programs for Bacherlor’s, Master’s and Ph.D | Apply
The following 31 US universities offer free fully funded programs for applicants interested in bachelors, masters and Ph.D. Qualified applicants are encouraged to apply.
The list
1. Arizona State University
– Funding Info: [ASU Funding Opportunities](lnkd.in/db2nTSSC)
2. Boston University
– Funding Info: [BU Financial Assistance](lnkd.in/dZHPxXVr)
3. Brown University
– Website: [Brown University](brown.edu)
4. California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
– Website: [Caltech](caltech.edu)
5. Carnegie Mellon University
– Website: [CMU](cmu.edu)
6. Columbia University
– Website: [Columbia] (columbia.edu)
7. Cornell University
– Website: [Cornell] (cornell.edu)
8. Dartmouth College
– Website: [Dartmouth](home.dartmouth.edu)
9. Duke University
– Website: [Duke](duke.edu)
10. Georgia Institute of Technology
– Website: [Georgia Tech](gatech.edu)
11. Indiana University, Bloomington
– Website: [Indiana University](indiana.edu)
12. Iowa State University
– Website: [Iowa State](iastate.edu)
13. **Louisiana State University
– Website: [LSU](lsu.edu)
14. Michigan State University
– Website: [MSU](msu.edu)
15. New York University (NYU)
– Website: [NYU](nyu.edu)
16. Northeastern University
– Website: [Northeastern](northeastern.edu)
17. Ohio State University
– Website: [OSU](osu.edu)
18. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
– Website: [Oklahoma State](go.okstate.edu)
19. Oregon State University
– Website: [Oregon State](oregonstate.edu)
20. Pennsylvania State University
– Website: [Penn State](psu.edu)
21. Purdue University
– Website: [Purdue](purdue.edu)
22. Rice University
– Website: [Rice](rice.edu)
23. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick (Main Campus)
– Website: [Rutgers](rutgers.edu)
24. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
– Website: [SIU](siu.edu)
25. Stanford University
– Website: [Stanford](stanford.edu)
26. State University of New York, Buffalo
– Website: [SUNY Buffalo](buffalo.edu)
27. Syracuse University
– Website: [Syracuse](syracuse.edu)
28. Texas A&M University, Kingsville
– Website: [TAMUK](lnkd.in/dT2prejw)
29. Texas State University
– Website: [Texas State](txst.edu)
30. University of California, Santa Barbara
– Website: [UCSB](ucsb.edu)
31. University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
– Website: [UCSD](ucsd.edu).
Fully funded scholarships
Fully funded scholarships provides several opportunities for selected candidates. The benefits that come with fully funded scholarships include accomodations, tuition fees, stipends, medical insurance, air-tickets etc.
The fully funded scholarships provided by the various scholarships above varies with each particular scholarship.
Interested candidates are, therefore, encouraged to apply for any scholarship of their choice since there are chances for each applicant to secure the scholarship.