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17 USA Universities that are waiving admission application fees and offering fully funded scholarships opportunities

waiving admission application feeswaiving admission application fees

17 USA Universities that are waiving admission application fees and offering fully funded scholarships opportunities.

The following 17 universities in the United Sates of America, USA, are offering fully funded scholarships to qualified applicant. The universities are also waiving admission application fees to applicants.

Universities waiving admission application fees and offering scholarships.

1:  Northwestern Oklahoma State University (No application fee, scholarship available)

2: University of Southern Maine –

3: Wayne State University. (For Graduate the application is waived, for Bsc use the code “WSU2024) (graduate GTA available)

4: Missouri University of Science & Technology –

5: University of Dayton (All programs are waived)

6: Northeastern University, College of Engineering – (Engineering course free application fee) but all PhD programs get funding.

7: Michigan Tech University. charges only processing fee of $10. (PhD funding is available)

8: Notre Dame University.(they have application fee but 100% funding)

All the admitted Masters and PhD students get full funding. No tuition fee is attached.

70% of Bachelor’s students get scholarship.


waiving admission application fees
waiving admission application fees


9: University of Colorado Boulder; (No application fee for all PhD programs)

10: West Virginia Tech University. (Automatically considered for scholarship. no app fee)

11: University of Cornel. (Application fee can be requested during application) Most Masters and PhD are funded.

12: Michigan University Dearborn. (No application for bsc/Undergraduate, Automatic Scholarship consideration)

13: University of St. Thomas, Minnesota (No Application FEE, All undergraduates are considered for scholarship)

14: Denison University (No app fee)

15: University of Lynchburg

16: New Mexico State University. (No app fee for chemistry and biochemistry Masters and PhD. Automatic funding once admitted)

17: University of South Carolina. (This school get funding. one of my people is already on the process. No application fee for Masters)

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