Sarkodie Released a Song To Answer Yvonne Nelson Abort!on Allegations entitled ‘ Try me’ Sarkodie is too Harsh Ghanaians Complained.
As we are all aware of the flash back between Sarkodie and Yvonne Nelson. Last two weeks or so Yvonne Nelson Released a book Titled ” I am not Yvonne Nelson” The content of the book launched explained certain pertinent issues or Challenges she passed through as she started her life journey .
Yvonne Nelson dedicated a full chapter of her book to the Ghanaian rapper, thus, Sarkodie. She claimed at certain point Of her development she got pregnant for Sarkodie of which Sarkodie pressurized her to terminate the pregnancy.
The Sorrowful aspect of it all was that, Sarkodie drove and dumped her in her abode after feeding her with abort!on Pills. According to Yvonne Nelson the Ghanaian rapper never checked up on her.
She bleeded excessively and nearly died. This is what she can never forget. Ghanaians started firing Sarkodie for being mean and wicked. Yesterday at midnight Sarkodie Released a new song entitled ‘ try me’.
The content of the song clearly shows that he was replying Yvonne Nelson. In the song Sarkodie said Yvonne was a street girl with numerous fiancees when he met her. She actually had affairs with countless men which disqualified her to be a marriage material for him.
Sarkodie accepted that he did something with Yvonne Nelson but he was having a clean heart to marry her until he got to know that Yvonne Nelson was a player.
Besides, Sarkodie said, he asked during the time of Yvonne’s pregnancy, he advised her to keep the pregnancy but she refused and said she wants to continue her education.
Sarkodie said Yvonne Nelson should better stop disgracing herself other than that if she try him, he will finish her.
Sarkodie said he directed Yvonne Nelson to her native but Yvonne refused and said she can handle it.
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