Home Remedies and Prevention of Hemorrhoids (Piles)
Home Remedies and Prevention of Hemorrhoids : Hemorrhoids are one of the common causes of anal diseases. Hemorrhoids occur when the blood vessels or veins in and around the lower part of your rectum and anus becomes swollen.
Some disappears after a few days, others linger on and cause intense pain. However there are remedies once it’s been confirmed and diagnosed.
Signs and Symptoms
There are two types: the external which is on the anal opening, and the internal which is inside the end of the rectum .It’s possible that one has both or only one at a time. The external one normally causes discomfort and pain but the internal one can be painless.
The most symptom is blood on the feces. Red spots may also be seen on the toilet bowl. The internal types rarely cause pain. However they may protrude.
When this happens, irritation may take place. The bigger it is, the more painful it becomes. One of the major problems is that it interferes and causes pain when cleaning afterwards.
On rare occasions, blood clot appears. The skin will turn red and be inflamed. A lump appears and it becomes very painful. It might also bleed.
Home remedies for Hemorrhoids
1. Adding more fiber in the diet is necessary. This will soften the bowels. Fiber rich foods include vegetables, cereals and whole grains.
2. There are also vitamin supplements that come with fiber.
3. Drinking eight glasses of water will also help.
4. Limiting alcohol intake also helps.
5. Lessening the use of soap (or changing to a milder one) might remove the irritation.
6. Using rough toilet paper causes irritation too. There are specially designed pads that one can buy and use.
7. Avoid sitting for a longer period
8. The pain can be lessened by sitting in a tub of warm water for 15 minutes twice daily. One of the early and most effective ways of easing the pain is using an ice pack.
9. Anal pram (hydrocortisone + Pramoxine) used for only one week not more than that, it is used if these home remedies fail to remove the pain . it is over the counter drugs, u don’t need doctor prescription…
Hemorrhoids Prevention and Causes
There are several theories as to what causes it. They include lack of exercise, obesity or frequent constipation.
Other theories are using too many laxatives or frequent aging. Pregnancy could be a cause or diarrhea.
It’s not clear either how it can be prevented. However, eating fiber rich foods may be important. Because it softens the your stool and puts less pressure on the anus. This may keep any sores or lumps from developing internally or externally.
Exercising regularly keeps the body in shape and resistant to ailments.
Most of the time, an internal or external hemorrhoid will disappear on its own. But consulting with a doctor or using any of the remedies suggested should get rid of the pain much quicker. / Home Remedies and Prevention of Hemorrhoids