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Crocodile without feet Appeared Before President Akufo Addo to Grace Independence Day.

Crocodile without feet Appeared Before President Akufo Addo to Grace Independence Day.



However, whether the 66th independence Day celebration was needful or not it has already become a history today. What was terribly shocking was that a Crocodile without feet Appeared Before President Akufo Addo to Grace Independence Day.



The historic independence Day celebration was a bit magical this year. The 66th independence day celebration which kicked off at the Volta Region, marked the very first time in Ghanaian history when a reptile came out from no where lied straight on its belly before the president with the head tinting slightly upwards depicting a sign of total submissiveness and obedience to the head and the lordship of the land.



Is this not wonderful? According to the Ewes, the senario connotationally carriesĀ  more spiritual meaning and implications rather than physical. They believed what happened signifies the “Voodoo powers” They believe that the gods haveĀ  even much more stronger powers than the little display that they.


The bunch of raffia constantly rotating in the ceremonial parade grounds has the tendency of portraying more wonderful moments as it possesses the Zagbetor gods.This means that, the crocodile is the symbolic silhoutte of Zagbetor gods.
This literal tells that the people of the land are capacitated enough to move from one point of life to another without using ordinary legs.


Pre to the independence day celebration, Hogbetsotsoza festival was celebrated in some of the Voltarian communities. The cerebration ended at a river side where the chief priest was using baskets to fetch water for the elders and ordinary people to drink.This means that, historically, the region is well known for its spiritism and mistism.


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Crocodile without feet Appeared Before President Akufo Addo

Crocodile without feet Appeared Before President Akufo Addo to Grace Independence Day.

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