GNAT To be Held Responsible Over Any Abnormality that May Emanate from the Current Negotiation of Base Pay of Salary Increment.
Why GNAT is to be held responsible for any mimicking camouflage that may exacerbate the negotiation of base pay between labour commission and Government of Gnana? The Representatives of the Various teams of The Organized Labour Commission are seriously grambling and mammering over the attitude of GNAT towards the current base pay negotiation process.
According to them, some underground invitation was given to GNAT by Fair Wages and Salary Commission to secretively attend some anonymous meeting. On 29th November, 2022, Fair Wages and Salary Commission invited Organized Labour Commission to a meeting to discuss salary increment. This invitation included GNAT, NAGRAT and CCT. On the contrary, another invitation was given by same Fair Wages and Salary Commission solely inviting GNAT to a meeting on 9th December, 2022 to the neglection of NAGRAT and CCT.
GNAT To be Held Responsible
The issue is this; There’s an allegation that the government has infiltrated GNAT through the GNAT President and now, they’re inviting only GNAT to the negotiation. The allegation stated that they’ve not been able to infiltrate NAGRAT and CCT.
What’s happening? Is there any explanation to this?.
If there should be any disappointment on Tuesday, in fact, we’ll all blame the Leadership of GNAT because that will confirm the allegation..
Mean while, on the last meeting at the negotiation table, Government partially agreed to an increment of 21% base pay with 15% CoLA for public and civil service close to agreement but organized labour wanted CoLA 15% to be convert and subsequently added to the 21% to sum up to 36%.
This will mean that workers ssnit and other allowance can be effected because Government can remove CoLA at any time but labour ministry and fair wages want it to be separate.
We’re keenly watching and waiting to seeing what will transpire. We will surely update you incase anything poops up.
GNAT To be Held Responsible
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