How Ulcer Can Make You Believe You Have A Heart Disease
How Ulcer Can Make You Believe You Have A Heart Disease : There are different types of ulcer and one type can make you believe you have a heart condition. The type of ulcer that can make you believe you have a heart condition can also make you have severe back pain that will be difficult to explain the source by the patient. Everyone is encouraged to learn about the cause and how to prevent it.
Heart conditions can be very fatal, especially when reported late. Any sign of heart condition must be reported as early as possible. However, a type of ulcer can present itself as a heart condition and it can only take personal lifestyle changes to correct it.
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An ulcer is simply a break in the skin or tissue. There are four (4) types of ulcer.
1. Gastric ulcers which occur in the stomach are caused by prolonged hunger or bacteria called helicobacter pylori./ How Ulcer Can Make You Believe You Have A Heart Disease
2. Oesophageal ulcer, which occurs in the oesophagus or the throat, is caused by a reflux of stomach contents.
3. Stress ulcer, which is caused by physical or psychological stress as a result of prolonged trauma, can occur in the stomach, oesophagus or the duodenum./ How Ulcer Can Make You Believe You Have A Heart Disease
4. Duodenal ulcer which occurs in the duodenum ( small intestine) is as a result of prolonged hunger, taking some medications such as Nsaids (paracetamol, Brufen, diclofenac and other painkillers), a bacterial called helicobacter pylori. Stress can also cause duodenal ulcers.
Anyone can be eating well and still develop stress ulcer, which mostly occur in the duodenum and it would be difficult to expain by the patient or to the patient.
How duodenal ulcer can make you believe you have a heart disease
Signs and symptoms of duodenal ulcers are
1. Abdominal pains which worsens when one is hungry and relieved after eating.
2. Heart burns which will make you uncomfortable
3. Back pain. This pain normally occurs at the upper part of the back and the pain worsens when one is lying on his/ her stomach.
4. Pain can also radiate to the chest or the breast bone. Due to the sharp nature of the pain, it makes one become anxious thinking that he or she is developing a heart disease. The chest or breast bone pain can persist continuously for about 5- 10 minutes./ How Ulcer Can Make You Believe You Have A Heart Disease
5. A pain that radiates to the ribs. This type of pain will make one anxious thinking he /she is having a kidney problem . This type of pain worsens when one is lying down or he/she touches the pain site.
This stress ulcer and/or duodenal ulcer is common in women, especially after child birth because of the stress accompanied with child birth.
The symptoms associated with stress ulcers can be managed with the following measures
1. eating at regular intervals (3 hours after a meal) for the Hcl in the stomach to get something to act on to prevent the HCl acting on the mucosal lining of the stomach which leads to compounding or complications of the ulcer./ How Ulcer Can Make You Believe You Have A Heart Disease
2. Avoid taking-over -the -counter drugs or Nsaids.
3. Avoid eating spicy foods or hot pepper foods, which can worsen the pain.
4. Avoid eating acidic foods on an empty stomach, such as oranges, pineapples, star fruits and other acidic foods.
This stress ulcer, which can occur in the oesophagus, stomach or duodenum, can be prevented by individuals managing their stress levels very well. Anytime you have any of these signs or symptoms, don’t conclude that you are developing a heart disease or you have a kidney problem. Visit your care giver and you will be treated./ How Ulcer Can Make You Believe You Have A Heart Disease