My Biological Mother Used Broken Plate To Remove My Two Eyes At Age Five! What A Sorrowful Moment.
My Biological Mother Used Broken Plate To Remove My Two Eyes At Age Five! What A Sorrowful moment.
Around 2015, a couple living with one son faced this tragedy. The couple used to live peacefully with harmony until 2015 when their son was 5Years old. The man is a carpenter by profession hence he traveled to Kumasi in search of greener pasture.
The Woman was living with her son alone. As time goes by, the woman started acting strange in the house. She became furious with endangering spirit. The riskiness of the issue kept on skyrocketing with the highest exacerbating power day in and day out.
At this point, no one can pass in front of the house. At the beginning of the incident, she started with fasting and prayers. People could not understand her clearly till she started chasing visitors away with threats.
Her husband who was struggling for the betterment of the family was informed of the critical state of his wife. He instructed that, his son should be taken away from her and they exactly did same.
The husband came and monitored the scene but he left again to Kumasi. They locked up the woman for the mean time. One very evening, the husband’s brother prepared food and asked the five years old kwame to send portion of the food to his mother. Afterwards, he asked the boy to come out but he did not.
He angrily lock up the gate leaving Kwame in the room. According to Kwame, he was lying down and all of a sudden, his mother took the food she was servedĀ together with the plate and hite the ground. The plate got broken so she picked the pieces of the broken plate and held Kwame on the floor firmly.
She started using the plate pieces on the boys eyes. He used the pieces on both eyes. Kwame screamed heavily that, his uncle heard him and rushed to open the gate and rescue him.
By that time the worse has already happened. Kwame was rushed to Korlebu Hospital. All available alternative treatments were used on Kwame but he could not redeem his sight back. He became totally blind till today.
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