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Tour to Salpong Methodist Senior High School, facilities and history of the School.

Salpong Methodist Senior High School, f

Tour to Salpong Methodist Senior High School, facilities and history of the School.


Tour to Salpong Methodist Senior High School, facilities and history of the School. Know more about most of the renounced Senior High Schools. The school is a missionary School. It was built in the year 1981. The School was built by the Methodist church of Ghana.



Salpong Methodist Senior High School was solely managed by Board of management of The methodist Church by that time. The School has a good atmosphere. The School is closer to the Sea where salt is mined to feed the country.



Frankly speaking,  most of the buildings in the School  need immediate renovation. Most blocks of the school are in their bad state which may distort the mental health of students. The old students Associated need to come together to fix the school. Not withstanding that, the environment is beautiful.


The School is one of the oldest Senior High School in the Country.
Watch the video of School and if possible link to methodist church to take responsibility of renovating the School.

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