My husband wanted paternity test for our baby: But He is weak on bed even though I never cheated.
My husband wanted paternity test for our baby: But He is weak on bed even though I never cheated.
This issue teared my life apart. We were married for over six years without a miscarriage or pregnancy. Both My husband and l became suspicious of each other to be the cause our childlessness. We seek for several medical care before finally I got pregnant.
As the pregnant was four months old, my husband ones came home from work, stood by me looking worrisome. I asked him if there was some thing wrong but he kept mute

Few minutes later, he came to me and said, he want me to do DNA test on the pregnancy to find out whether he was the real father of the pregnancy. At first I thought it was a joke but he kept on hammering on it seriously. I was lost of words. I couldnt actually imagine what he was incinerating. I asked him whether he suspected that I was cheating on him. He replied no!
He said he was doing that out of conscientiousness. I could not understand him. He kept on raising up the issue every now and then. At last, he said if I was not cheating on him why should conducting a common DNA test to proof paternity be a problem to me.
He continously sounded authoritarian to the extend that i also became overwhelmed. I vomited out all that was within me that even worsen the matter. I told him that all this while he was very poor in bed but i never complain. As if gasoline was added to fire! He became hostile, went and brought divorce certificate that if I do not conduct the paternity test, I should sign for divorce.
I became supper annoyed and packed my things back to my parents. I realized that the man is ungrateful so its better to be single than to be with ungrateful man.
What do you have to say! Assuming the woman was your sister, what advice will you give to her! Leave your comments at the comments section.