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European Union Banned Ghana Cocoa and Coffee by  Passing a New legislation.

European banned Ghana Cocoa. Picture of coa plant well produced

European Union Banned Ghana Cocoa and Coffee by  Passing a New legislation.


European Union Banned Ghana Cocoa and Coffee by passing a newly formulated law to incriminate export in the European market.


Ghanaian Minister of Information, Mr. Kojo Oppong Nkrumah spited the naked truth about the devastating decisions taken by the European Union to ban the importation of Cocoa beans from Ghana.


Mr. Opoku Oppong Nkruma highlighted that, the effort is to collapse Ghanaian  cocoa production which is facing trying times led to the plans of institutionalization of legislation by the UE. This new legislation when passed will render Ghana Cocoa and Coffee useless and impossible to be exported to any European Country.


Earlier last week, in Brussels, I had the Opportunity to chair a two day forum on “The Future of Ghana Cocoa and Coffee as a Value chains in the face of this new legislation”, The Minister added.


However, the Minister made such pronouncement on his face book post on 30th September, 2022 but failed to give the reason for their reason to institute the new legislation.

Pictuere of cocoa tree well produced

European Union Baned Ghana Cocoa

technically speaking, it can be deduced that, the effort taken by the European Union is to put to Ghana that, It had a valuable natural resources abundantly which can help solve the financial loopholes to facilitate the development of the country thereby stopping unnecessary borrowing.


UE plans to fully allow mother Ghana develop the technical requisite to process its own cocoa and coffee, which wil be enough for developing the country, suggested by many.


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This decision is also worrying since Ghana gets most of its foreign exchange from cocoa and coffee.Terminating this contract means pushing the country to the  worse state.


European Union Baned Ghana Cocoa

According to 2022, the EU accounted for the largest share of Ghana Cocoa beans export representing 43.7%. our export of ccocoa to Asia and North America represents 27.78% and 12.72% respectively and only 0.75% was sent to South America and 15.03% to other countries.


Cocoa remains our back bone for development. It contributes a lot to our economy. Cocoa is one of the top exports representing ($1.28B) annually.

European Union Baned Ghana Cocoa

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