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Ghana Statistical Board Reveled that, More than 70,000 Female School Children in relationships.

Ghana Statistical Board Reveled that, More than 70,000 Female School

Ghana Statistical Board Reveled that, More than 70,000 Female School Children of Age 12- 17 Are  already in Relations With Men.


Ghana Statistical Board Reveled: According to the current population census conducted in Ghana, over 70,000 Ghanaian students younger than 18 years are in relationships with men.


The statistics reveled that, Northern Region has the highest number of their girls children of school going age, already in relationships playing indirect motherly roles.


Majority of these children are between the ages of 12 and 14. Out of every ten under age girls in relationships, one will be from Northern Region, depicted 2021 census.

The Region also has the highest illiteracy rate per the findings. Huge number of these children were denied of formal education hence were forced into premature relationships.


Ghana Statistical Board Reveled

The Research also verbalized the specification of the relationships these young girls have with their men. It justified that, early marriage was essentially high at that stage. The ages of those in early marriage ranged from 15 to 17 years. Apart from the early marriage, majority of girls were in non marriage relationships especially with older men.



Besides Northern Region, Savana Region was the next in command. This Region was one of the newly created Regions in the country. It has minimal social amenities but higher deprivation of children from formal education. Upper  East was immediately followed, then Bono, Ahafo Region, Western and Central Regions.


This research raised the concerned that, the negative consequences of the girl child in relationships at the most precious stage of her mental and physical development is not funny at all but should rather be taken with much more seriousness. The quality of education is gradually reducing to nothingness.


Ghana Statistical Board Reveled

The assumption is, this factor accelerates their poorly performance in external examinations. The rate at which these young girls become pregnant is problematic. The research added that, the speed at which under 18 school children are getting pregnant means by 2025, the figures will triple up. Recently, the was a new judiciary legislation that depicts that, girls of sixteen years are allowed to be in relationship with men with condition that, they will not marry.



Lately, it was added that, sixteen years girls can only marry per parental consent. The public Relation officer of Ghana Statistical Board mention that, this section must be revisited.


Ghana Statistical Board Reveled

Termination of pregnancies illegally by these girls was unimaginable. The detail shows that, in 2021 only more than 40,000 girls under 18 years anonymously became pregnant.


Out of the number, 50% were children from poor homes with very low education. The officer said, parents should cultivate the habit of honouring their duties especially fathers.






This will limit the quantity of children getting pregnant. The president of HIV/AIDS Committee added that, critical care should be taken by all to solve this problem. He said this when launching a programme on the theme ” Abstinence and contraceptives usage are best methods for Stopping HIV”



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Now that HIV is high in schools, a very technical strategy is needed to curtail the issue. Add your comment. What do you think government can do to boost academic excellence in schools and to reduce pregnancies?

Ghana Statistical Board Reveled

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