GES PROMOTION Tuition (2022/2023): Join Our Online Tuition for One Touch Success. Do not fail an exam you can pass, secure a legitimate promotion success with IKE & RICHY EDUCATIONAL…
Common health benefits of carrot Benefits of carrot: As a matter of fact, carrot is one well known vegetable which has predominantly vetted and approved for possessing all the precious…
Ghana Education Service as well as Ministry of information should nicodemously and amicably suspend and lambast the lawlessness manipulations.and impediment highjacked by chiefs which is detrimental to and militating against…
A Strong Warning Against Victimization of the Current Secret Occultic Group which Extracts Sperms from Already used Condoms for Spiritism And Satanic Mysticism. There is a serious video capturing the…
Ghana Education News in partnership with PROF. DUKER SERVICE provides teachers and schools with Term 3 Week 2 Lesson Plans for Teachers and Schools covering JHS 2 and 3 lessons…
Warning from Ministry of Health: Skin bleaching by parents is the Number one Cause of irreversible Blindness in unborn Babies. People are blindfolded to emulate very hazardous practices in the…
Kibi Presbyterian College of Education launches their 60th Anniversary and was applauded by the Moderator, Rev. Joseph Obiri Yaboa. The principal together with the entire management of Kibi Presbyterian College…
The Unbelievable Secret but Naked Truth About Government Failure to Distribute Laptops to The Primary School Teachers. It is very surprising and highly pathetic to notice that, in spite of…
A collection of photos of genetically unrelated lookalikes, along with DNA analysis, revealed that strong facial similarity is associated with shared genetic variants. The work appears August 23 in the…
Ghana to present its commitments on skills for learning, life, work and sustainable development’ at the United Nations Transforming Education Summit lscheduled for this weekend in New York, USA. Ghana…