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Pros And Cons Of Drinking Water During Bed Time 

Drinking water before and during bed timeDrinking water before and during bed time

Pros And Cons Of Drinking Water During Bed Time 

Hydration is needed for a good health, but what are the prons and cons of drinking water just before/ during bed time?

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Benefits of  water in the body

We all know drinking water is very essential for the body to function properly. The human body is made up of 60% of water.

1. Water help the kidneys to function well and remove toxins from the  blood

2. Drinking water helps  the body to maintain a normal body temperature.

3. Drinking water also helps  protect sensitive organs such as the spinal cord.

4. Water also helps to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body.

5. Drinking water helps in weight loss by controlling calories.

6. Water consumption also aids in circulation.

7. Aids in digestion and prevents constipation

Water is very essential in the body. Drinking enough water in the daytime is very beneficial, it keeps you hydrated and active,  but drinking water during bed time can increase a person’s risk of nocturia.


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Nocturia is the increase need to urinate at night. When you drink water just before or during bed time, it can make you to urinate more frequently.

Nocturia can affect your sleep pattern and quality of sleep, which can affect your daily activities.

During the night or whilst asleep, the kidneys function slows down and decrease urine production as a result of the body producing more hormones.

This decreases the need for one to urinate at night and have an uninterrupted sleep. Waking up frequently at night to urinate can reduce both duration and quality of sleep.

Nocturia can affect one’s memory, concentration and mood. It also increases one’s risk of accidents,  developing heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, obesity and depression.

However, if someone feels thirsty in the night or  dehydrated at night or is at risk of dehydration, they should take in enough water to keep them hydrated.


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