What a Criminal Offence: they Raped his wife in front of him and Forced him to Masturbate as well What a criminal offence? forcing one to masturbate while raping his…
BECE Candidates Received Free Koko party, Free Breakfast, free buses and many more from a Good Samaritan. The current BECE candidates received Sponsorship of breakfast, and transportation services and many…
CHASS Warning To GES on Free Senior High Semester System. Just Yesterday, there was a press release on CHASS warning GES over the Semester System inculcated into our Senior High…
Why me! Almost 30, No Marriage let alone Child: I cry all Day and Night- A lady shed tears. Why me, almost 30 years of age, very closer to my…
Play the Video For Guide Mathematics BECE 2022 Likely Examination Questions and Answers Another Ques Mathematics-trial-Questions BECE_MATHS_TEST_2 BDT TRY TEST_1 BDT_HOME TRY TEST 2 BECE_MATHS_MOCK. DR MATHS – MID TERM…
BECE Tension caused a 14 year old candidate to defecate in class. A boy as old as fourteen years was forced to defecate while writing the BECE which kicked off…
Your Sleep Pattern is Linked to When you will Die: Reveled, current Scientific Studies. Alternatively, Research shows that, there is some direct correlation between your sleeping pattern and the maximum…
Kintampo Senior High School Ranked the Best SHS in Ghana Based on Merit. Video. Kintampo Senior High School was honoured the best SHS in Ghana during the Celebratiom of its…
One Police of the Security Service who is to Ensure order in Wa following the recent riot was Crushed to Death. Following the recent riot incident at Wa, a lot…
Religious and Moral Education BECE 2022 Likely Questions and Answers. SECTION A Religious and moral Education bece 1a. Mention five parables in the bible used by Jesus to impact moral…